
Spring is back here in Niseko and its awesome, soft snow,  stunning views and sunshine! I has been a fantastic easter, with easter egg hunts, free passes and rentals for the kids, uncrowded slopes and great spring skiing for all.

It's been another epic winter here in Niseko and to celebrate Lava Lounge and Holiday Niseko have something for you!
Want to win a brand new Slash Snowboard signed by our buddy Will Jackways?

Summer time is so far removed from the Niseko winter it is sometimes hard to imagine that you’re even in the same place! It is not only the landscape that comes to life here but also the people as summer is festival time. Brightly coloured costumes, busy stalls, plenty of beer and of course to top it all off fire works aplenty.
The importance of good goggles can easily be over looked especially by first timers who will for not knowing better accept second-rate vision, sometimes for days on end, it doesn’t have to be this way! Quality goggles and the vision they provide can really improve your day on the mountain especially here in Niseko where snowy days can be the norm. Below are a few tips to keep your vision clear and one step closer to that perfect powder day.
What Niseko’s summer of 2015 has lacked in terms of sunshine it has made up for in terms of progress. Quite literally everywhere you look there is a construction project going on some big some large some dauntingly huge. 
Cow parade- If you are visiting Niseko any time till October the cow parade quite literally can’t be missed!
The second annual Niseko Classic was held on Saturday July 11th supported by new sponsor Boardman Bikes. The event was a huge success with over 300 keen lycra clad bodies vying for the fastest time in either the 70 or 140km categories.
Well, what can we say! It has been a long dry and warm summer here in Niseko, with temperatures being above normal but finally they have dropped with the first flakes settling on the mountain tops and the landscape turning gold and red as we write.
With the kick off of the  Sapporo Beer Festival last weekend and a great day there on a journey back into Niseko it has made us think of what there is locally to do this weekend? And lucky for us, in amongst the planned swims in the river and tennis, we are going to go down to Kanro No Mori for a few beers, festive Latino dancing, fireworks  and great Japanese festival fare. Also luckily for us the weather is looking like it will be fine with a
It has been less than a month since the chairlifts stopped and now the landscape is green. Even though a few are still making the most of the last of the snow on the peaks, it seems as though winter has all been forgotten about around here.