Gloved up in Niseko
Thinking of a new set of gloves for this winter? Great idea! Gloves are an essential item in your Niseko ski kit and your choice in gloves can make or break a days skiing here. The options are as you would expect seemingly infinite but for Niseko, the number 1 factor you should take into consideration is unsurprisingly warmth, for you and of course the tiny hands of the little ones! Glove styles abound but the go to for Niseko especially for the kids is the classic Mitt. Mittens won't let you down and although you may lose a little dexterity once you've enjoyed the warmth mittens provide you'll never go back.

Snowboard turn
Useful points to consider when buying gloves for Niseko -
- Warmth - Get the warmest gloves you can find, Niseko resort temps usaully hover around -10 from December through to mid February and can get cosiderably colder than this especially at night. There are many insulating materiials but a good start is to go for a glove with a high count of Prima Loft fills.
- Versatilty - Gloves and mittens often come with removable liners so that you can regulate temperatures. These sound like a great idea but you will be sacrificing a little convenience as gloves without liners are always easier to put on and it's one more thing to keep track / in your pocket.
- Dexterity - Gloves over mitts for this race but check to see how flexible gloves are and think about how easy it will be to grip your poles, do up your bindings or grip the deliciously warming little can of coffee from the vending machine!
- Water Prooofing - Another key to warmth is staying dry so choose your materials carefully. Good old Goretex is a waterproofing guarantee hard to go past and technology now enables premium shell materials such as leather to be close to 100% waterproof. Applications of bees wax derived products such as Snowseal will also lengthen the life of leather gloves and make them more waterproof too.
- Cuff length - The longer the cuff the more warmth a glove will provide but make sure that your jacket will go over your gloves or vice versa and if you have thumb gussets in your jacket that your jacket cuffs will still go over your gloves if you are using these. The shorter the cuff length the more likely you will be to expose skin to the elements but there is a trade of for how easy it is to get your gloves on and off.
- Spring time - Planning to come to Niseko in March or April? Disrregard all of the above regarding the importance of warmth and come perpared with a lighter set of gloves. From mid March temperatures will be comparitvely mild and mittens and warm gloves will be too hot and may quite rapidly acquire a less than pleasent aromor!
- Price - Quality gloves will last at least a couple of winters and if you want a balance of warmth, waterproofness and style you should be looking to spend $120 - $200 USD for a decent set of adult gloves or mitts. Gloves are an essential accesory and having a quality pair will most certainly improve your Niseko experience, especially for the those epic nighta's, yeooow!

Depp snow in Niseko