Changing Seasons in Niseko
It has been only 3 weeks since a busy last week of season, Golden Week, and the lifts closing here in Niseko but in that time the landscape has changed from a snow covered white one and slowly transformed, going through an almost autumn colour palette to an almost entirely green one. In a few more weeks Niseko will be fully green and summer holiday makers will be enjoying the cooler summer temperatures that Hokkaido has to offer people from the hotter southern climates of south Japan or Asia.

Niseko Annupuri changing colour, Haru Kouyou
Here at Holiday Niseko we have had time relax a little before the green season kicks off, golf has been in full swing, plus a little hiking in the mountains has gone down to get those last tracks and great mountain fresh air. We have also been working on our winter rates and posted a few good deals over here while enjoying bqq's under the cherry blossom trees. It's been a hard 3 weeks. In this spring time season other activities that take place in Niseko are varied but most of them carry right through to the winter. Lots of local holiday makers make it out for some rafting on the Shiribetsu River and some even come out for a company or school day trip while the rivers run higher from the snow melt. Horse riding, fishing, hiking for the pleasure of hiking in the mountains plus lots of other activities take place in Niseko from the winter seasons end to the snow starts to fall again in just 6 months! We hope some of you can join us here during spring summer autumn, if not make sure you come in winter, things are good here in Niseko.

Rafting is a fantastic activity in spring and summer.