Blissfully Average
Winter 2021 is in full swing and showing no signs of slowing down, the amount of snow is quite incredible and even after spending many winters in Hokkaido the snow Niseko has received this winter amazes on a daily basis. Everyday cars need to be dug out as do driveways, roads and roofs. Aside from the admin though the skiing and snowboarding just keeps getting better and better, the snow has been in a word incredible.

So is this a big winter for Niseko? We'd love to say "yes 2020/21 has been the biggest in years" but in fact it is just plain old average. This is illustrated in the graph below which shows average snowfall (black dotted line), this seasons snowfall (blue line) and last years snow fall (yellow line) in our neighbouring Kutchan town. The Niseko United resort area has received even more snow than what the graph shows but this does illustrate the fact the incredible winter so far has been just plain old average.

So after last winters below average snowfall we are right back to normal, a happy reminder of just how much snow the area gets, it's consistency and just how good the skiing and snowboarding really is here. It isn't just the good times on the mountain either, the entire landsacpe is transformed into a winter wonderland where even a trip the the convenience store is an experience in itself.

As amazing as the winter is, the resort has been decidedly quiet which has been fantastic for our domestic guests but the place is a definitely lonely without you guys! We are confident this year will be a one off and hope that we will be able to welcome you back soon!